TriTech Solar und Lueftungstechnik

No more smells in the holiday home.
Soil air collectors ventilate using the power of the sun

When winter is over and the sun finally provides more pleasant temperatures again, the owners of weekend or holiday homes look forward to being able to use their leisure property again. There you will often be greeted by a musty smell. Since there was neither heating nor ventilation during the winter months, stale air, cold and moisture have settled in the building, and in the worst case there can even be signs of mold.
At times when the holiday home is not being used, it is difficult to come over regularly to ventilate it and heating it continuously would be quite expensive fun. Smart owners simply leave this task to the sun instead. Because solar-air collectors like the “TriTech Solar Multi” system have everything you need. The collector system offers the possibility of hot water preparation, poll heating and building cooling.

Imprint / Contact

TriTech Solar
Fleehook 2
48683 Ahaus
Tel. +49 2862 805931
Buero Mallorca,
General Weyler 7-11
73100 Inca
Tel. Herr Detzner +34 647 785 393
Terminabsprachen bitte mit Herrn Finke,
oder direkt auf Mallorca mit Herrn Detzner.

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